Label: Hop Circle IPA
Type: IPA
ABV[%]: 6.5
Packaging: 350ml bottle
Brewery: Philips Brewery, Victoria, BC
Smell: Citrus, hops, and sweet
Head: pours heady and leaves thick lacing
Color: light clear
Carbonation: medium
Kick: bowzer
Rating: 8/10
This is a well hopped IPA that does not taste as strong as the ABV content suggests. The carbonation has been hoptimized such that it barley distracts. I was hopping that it wouldn't linger on the tongue after a swig and was pleased that despite the hoplification, the aftertaste barley lingers. Or does is Barry Fingers? Anyway, the label says if will blow your senses, and whoah, there is indeed a citrusy hop explosion; however, it maintains a smooth finish and refreshes brilliantly.
You do not need a lot of this stuff to refresh yourself, and having 2 did give me a mild headache. Not sure of that was due to a lingering and persistent cold or flu or whatever H50N99 virus I had, or the fact that I swigged those babies down at a sprinters pace. But, as my moron friends say, irregardless, go buy it, drink it, and fluff your crotch.