
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Inedit Estrella Damm

Label: Inedit
Type: lager wheat beer
ABV[%]: ?
Packaging: 650ml bottle
Brewery: Estrella Damm

Smell: yeasty sweet
Head: thick with little lacing
Color: gold clear
Carbonation: mild
Kick: naa
Rating: 7/10

This lager has a sweet taste with a hint of citrus, yeasty taste. It has very little aftertaste, but does a great job refreshing the taste buds immediately after a swig. If Molson Canadian tasted good, it would taste like this.

The bottle looks like it's wine, making me think what's the deal. But after opening up the little booklet, er I mean bible, you are left feeling a bit uncomfortable. You see, these guys tried really hard trying to make a beer specifically for dishes... Challenging dishes, that is. You see, really rich folk who eat things like asparagus and salad need this beer to compliment their dishes. And they spent a whole lotta time on this booklet. So much time, you feel like a dolt for having this beer with a couple of tasty samosas, cuz, hey, that isn't challenging enough for this beer.

I'd like this beer better were it not for this pompous label. So, hey, try this beer, but through the freakin label in the dustbin. Sucka.

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