
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Label: Navigator
Type: Dopplebock
ABV[%]: 8.5
Packaging: 750 ml Bottle
Brewery: Lighthouse Breweries, Victoria BC

Smell: Malty with a tinge of spice
Head: thin
Color: dark brown
Carbonation: medium
Kick: To Live Crew beatch
Rating: 8.5/10

Yet another night of coaching my sons basketball practice followed by his homework routine and then an hour and a half of indoor soccer. I knew before I came home that I would sample another delicious brew from Lighthouse breweries. My knee kind of blew out so I figured I needed some pain relieve. And what could be better for pain relieve than a Dopplebock. 

I normally prefer hocks over Dopplebocks since the latter tend to be a bit too strong for my liking. And swigging 650ml of a Dopplebock might require some exceptionally good behaviour to veil how piss drunk you really are when you speak to your wife. But I digress. Now to the beer.

The first thing you taste are the malts and it covers your tongue with flavor and carbonation. This is followed with a burnt oatish taste, smooth and slightly bitter. The alcohol aftertaste hits you much later and a bit of sourness. Not discouraging though.

Dopplebocks are stronger and dark malty lager and a staple from Munich. It purports of having a deep flavour.  And that seems to be a fair comment. What is so cool about Dopplebocks are that they are lagers... Not ales, not stouts, but lagers. So imagine a really good bottle of Canadian (if there is such a thing) but brewed to twice the alcohol content and with a ton of malty flavors. Wonderful. I recently has Philips Dopplebock and this one is clearly better. Not too much flavor, and easy going down. And boy is it strong. Very strong. Strong enough for me to summon all my equilibrating senses when trying to have a civil conversation.

In the words of Spearhead "I like it loudy, loudy, loudy!". 

1 comment:

  1. Bock, not hock... Blogger needs to find a way to make editing a bit easier...
