
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bitch slapped...

I guess it is a toss up between David Suzuki and Jesus. A bitch slap from ds would probAbly be followed by some kind of lecture about how I personally killed a baby seal by flushing one too many times, so I'll go with Jesus... And make it a backhand... Backhand of god, that is.

OB Lager

Label: OB  
Type: Lager 
ABV[%]: 4.4 
Packaging: bottle 
Brewery: OB

Smell: rice   
Head: medium  
Color: yellow, clear 
Carbonation: moderate 
Kick: medium 
Rating: 7/10 

I got this beer at a really cool Korean restaurant in Philly. We placed a take-out order and I was hanging out waiting for the food to be prepared. Seeing a nice empty bar with a friendly looking bartender, I sat my ass down and had a nice chat with the Bartender.

Our nice chat quickly evolved from small talk to Philly beers. Being an American-Korean, he knew a fair bit about the Korean beer scene and how it has evolved. I asked him if he had any Korean beer on tap or bottle and he gave me this stuff.

First thing I noticed was how thick the bottle is. Apparently, the thicker glass keeps the beer cooler longer. So there was some thought about making this stuff. The beer is light tasting, and reminds me of a better, much sweeter version of moose head. Too bad they used rice though. Apparently it didn't have it before the Inbev buyout. 

Either way, this is a nice light tasting lager and worth a 6 pack. If you can find it.

Thomas Jeffersons Tavern Ale

Label: Thomas Jeffersons Tavern Ale
Type: English Ale
ABV[%]: 8.0
Packaging: cask conditioned ale
Brewery: Yards Brewing Co. Philadelphia, PA

Smell: spicy   
Head: medium head... Little lacing
Color: brown
Carbonation: mild
Kick: 2 testicles
Rating: 9/10

I had this at the Old Tavern restaurant in Philly, on the cusp of ole-town and by independence hall. It was a gloriously hot and humid day and we were looking for some lunch and this restaurant has purportedly the best kids menu in Philly. So we thought to check it out.

Perusing the menu, I was very pleased to see cask-conditioned beers offered here using recipes from dudes like Ben Franklin and Tommy J.

Cloudy. Has some spiciness to it, maybe nutmeg and cinnamon. I really enjoyed the first half of this pint, as it has nice flavor. Bit it is a tad strong as it has quite the kick. The spiciness went really well with the chicken I was eating.

I guess the dude only brewed this beer twice a year.