
Monday, April 8, 2013

Tall Poppy

Label: Tall Poppy
Type: Ale
ABV[%]: 7.0
Packaging: 500 ml Bottle
Brewery: 8 Wired Brewery, NZ

Smell: hops, citrus, Carmelo Anthony watermelon?
Head: thin, little lacing
Color: copper
Carbonation: medium high

Kick: Sweet home Alabama
Rating: 8/10

Their Big Smoke blew me away so I looked forward to trying out another brew from this New Zealand brewery. The label claims it to be an American style IPA plus Amber Ale. Could it be? The suspense is mind-numbing.

It's quite caramelish (more than I'd like)... So more leaning towards Amber Ale, but with a serious citrus hop blast. It starts quite sweet and the hop blast leaves a pleasant linger. You don't get too much of the alcohol-taste, but you can tell it's not like making love in a canoe (Monty Python joke there). Clean.

Normally I'd think it has a tad too much carbonation, but they work by revealing the hoppiness after your first swig. Clever (or just lucky with his batch).

It doesn't beat the Big Smoke but, hey, very little probably would.

Now, to watch the Final Four that I PVR'd.