
Monday, January 31, 2011


Label: Singularity
Type: Russian Imperial Stout
ABV[%]: 11.8
Packaging: 650ml
Brewery:  Driftwood Breweries, Victoria,BC

Smell: caramel, oats, vodka, tad of coffee
Head: dark brown that fades quickly
Color: opaque brown
Carbonation:  mild to little
Kick: was that a bullet in the head?
Rating: 8/10

In physics, the word singularity describes the state of something when the mass of an object becomes so large that the gravitational force it exerts is immeasurably large. The word has fantastic imagery for a state of existence that is cannot be visualized, let alone conceived by most people. Thus it has a mystical spot in the shelves of science: a description beyond reproach.

In mathematics, the concept of singularity is perhaps more tangible: a mathematical expression where the divisor becomes infinitesimally small. The consequence is a number that becomes so large it doesn't make sense to think of it as a number, but instead a concept of something so large there is little value in counting it. 

This is a stout that is (arguably) excessively strong, excessively thick, and excessively flavorful. This isn't yo mamas Cool Aid. This is a damn strong beer. It has a Carmel flavor with a vodka-like infused taste. It doesn't really compare with the scotch infused strong beer brewed by Russell Breweries. With such a high ABV content, you can't swig this back in your favourite beer glass (word to the wise, use a thin glass of ~4 oz or so). It tickles that back of the throat and leaves a burnt, oaty and alcohol aftertaste. 

So yes, the gravity in this beer is high. And yes, the aftertaste lingers forever. But does it reach infinity? No. It is a hell of a treat that I'd recommend to the stout lover. 

But not in a pint glass.

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