
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ginger Beer

Label: Ginger Beer
Type: seasonale ale
ABV[%]: 5.0
Packaging: 650 ml bottle
Brewery: Phillips Brewing Co., Victoria, BC

Smell: Ginger, with a dash of Mary Anne
Head: thin with little lacing
Color: gold
Carbonation: medium
Rating: 8/10

-sweet smelling
-not very many flavors except ginger, hops and some barley.
- a little dark for a Ginger Beer, from the malts, but the malts give it some bodied taste which makes it more thirst quenching
- the ginger hits you a second or two after the swig, making you think "hey, this isnt... What? Oh yeah, nice ginger"
- is isn't bitter at all and the sweetness likely comes mostly from the ginger root itself. Or not.
- really hits the spot on a nice warm evening after a hot sunny day.

1 comment:

  1. May 14, 2012... had some more. Noticed that it had a quite a bit of sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Gave an extra zing.
